Questions & Answers

I downloaded and signed up, now what?

Now you get to explore our Floqs! Swipe through the home screen and find adventures that peak your interest. From there you are able to learn about each destination, communicate with fellow Floqsta’s and plan your next big adventure!

How much does it cost?

Floqsta is available for free. We know traveling can be expensive, and we don’t want to be part of that expense. Connect with like-minded travelers and plan a trip together on Floqsta for free!

What destinations can I find on the app?

With over 100 destinations currently on the app, and more being added every season, the initial launch of this app is focused on destinations within the USA. This isn’t to say any destination may not inspire you to DIY an international Floq with friends you meet here!

Why am I not seeing many Floqs?

Our AI system takes your interests and other information you input to determine the perfect destinations and Floqs for you. In this initial launching phase of the app, you may not see the full selection quite yet, all with the intention of optimizing your preferences and suggesting Floqs we think you would like best!

How do I meet people?

After joining a Floq, you’ll automatically be added into a group conversation with fellow Floqstas. From there, we encourage you to get to know each other, travel preferences, personality, and more. We love seeing our Floqstas go on to adventure together outside of the app!

Can I book a trip through Floqsta?

No. Floqsta is not a trip booking platform, but can be used to plan and find adventure buddies for whatever trip you’d like. Each Floq you swipe on offers you suggestions of time you should spend in each destination, helpful links to blogs and experiences, as well as suggestions of what you can’t miss while there!

Do I have to be from the US to sign up?

Not at all! We welcome people from any and all backgrounds, and are excited to have you onboard as a Floqsta, planning your next adventure.
However, please note that Floqsta app is currently available in the US App Store only.

Do I have to live in the US to sign up?

No you do not. Though our current selection of Floqs are mainly US-based, you can be living anywhere in the world to dream about and plan these adventures. Come one, come all!

What if I’m not a big “outdoors” person?

We believe that adventures come in every shape and size, so our Floqs do as well. You don’t have to be a mountaineer to plan an incredible trip! With Floqs in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and more, you can scale a mountain with your Floq or sip a margarita on the beach!

How expensive is a Floqsta trip?

Floqsta is not a trip booking platform, we do not offer pre-purchased trips. Through your Floqs, you find people you connect with and are able to plan a trip together! You can go all out, or travel budget-friendly, it is completely up to you and your preferences.

Why do I have to give so much of my information to sign up?

Our state-of-the-art AI systems take your information in order to optimize your Floq feed to best match you and your personality! We never use or sell your information for anything other than matching you with the best Floqs out there. As if!

How many Floqs can I be a part of at once?

Is there a limit on fun? You can join as many Floqs as you are interested in on Floqsta. We would never limit your wanderlust and adventurous spirit!

What is Floqsta?

Floqsta is a platform that enables you to meet like-minded individuals and create travel memories together. Our state-of-the-art AI systems match you with “Floqs” that we think you would be interested in, and from there you are welcome to interact and trip plan as much as you wish! Happy swiping!

How do I directly message members of a certain Floq?

At the moment, direct messaging members is not possible. Group messaging your Floq is the best way to individually meet people you connect with! If you find a fellow Floqsta that you connect with, we encourage you to exchange contact information and plan your next great adventure!

What happens when I run out of Floqs to swipe on?

Our AI systems are constantly adding, changing, and improving Floqs to your feed. If you run out of Floqs one day, check back in the next, you never know what new adventures may lie ahead of you!

How can I delete (leave) a floq?

At the bottom of your floq, scroll below the commonalities with the floq and you will find a button labeled “Leave the floq.” Tapping this button will automatically have you exit the floq.

How can I delete my account?

At the top right corner of your profile page you will find a settings icon. After entering settings, there will be an option below “Log out” to delete your account. Keep in mind that this permanently deletes your Floqsta account. You can always rejoin the community but your progress will be lost.